Tricia King is a highly experienced and flexible higher education consultant and work coach.  With 25 years in the sector, she was among the first generation of professional leaders to sit around a higher education top table. With an extensive marketing, communications, fundraising, alumni relations, widening access and government relations background she was a Pro Vice Chancellor running complex, integrated, award-winning professional teams.  She has deep global higher ed experience, networks and clients having worked extensively in Australia, North & South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East in the past 4 years.

In 2019 she set up Tricia King Consultancy and Coaching Ltd (TKCC), a business that allows her to work on transformational projects with education institutions across the globe.  In COVID times she is offering specific services: 

  • Interim leadership to help manage crisis/ fill in gaps where individual are struggling
  • One to one coaching to support staff who are struggling OR thinking space for leaders to make sense of the madness
  • Skilled online facilitation of change projects or tense meetings
  • International project and partnership management
  • Expert facilitation of academic and professional team tension
  • Reviewing and evaluating resource allocation against outcomes and reorganising professional teams to achieve best impact

Legal status Limited Company

VAT registered No




Phone 07949 233550

Twitter @triciaking1