About DTEC
The Directory of Tertiary Education Consultants (DTEC) connects providers of further and higher education with a broad range of individuals and companies that offer bespoke, specialist advice and services.
DTEC was created in 2020 by Hugh Jones and Andy Youell. It is run on a not-for-profit basis – it is free to browse and it is free to join.
DTEC is not a trade association, professional body or agency. Inclusion in the directory does not confer any guarantees or accreditation.
DTEC has a small steering group, comprising one independent consultant, one consultant from a firm, and one sector representative. The current members of the Steering Group are
- Hugh Jones, who chairs the group
- Susie Hills of the Halpin Partnership
- Stephen McAuliffe, Deputy Registrar at the University of Nottingham.
The steering group oversees the website resource and will address any issues that arise. If you would like to get in touch, send an email to admin@dtec.org.uk.
A live dashboard of statistics is available here.