Effective administration facilitates creativity, this is a view Beverley has held for over twenty years, and considers it to be as true today as it was in 2001.
As both a consultant and employee Beverley has worked with a number of universities as they have revised and improved their Academic Administration. An Academic Registry is as unique as each university but each university has Enquirers, Applicants, Students, Graduates, Staff, internal and external stakeholders. Beverley has worked with universities as they have restructured their Academic Services, undergone scrutiny to be awarded TDAP and receive university status, procured and implemented a new student record system, and made continuous improvements to processes and procedures.
BER_HE Consulting has served both large and small HEIs, as they grapple with changing requirements, ensuring compliance doesn’t determine content whilst statutory requirements are accommodated and adhered to.
Legal status Sole trader
VAT registered No
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/beverley-ryan-8b172979/
Email beverley.ryan@hotmail.co.uk
Phone +44 7717501511