Michael Lavery, CEO, worked in higher education leadership for 12 years before establishing BRAND & REPUTATION – a national and international brand and marketing consultancy – in 2017. As Executive Director at Durham and Teesside universities he was part of highly regarded leadership teams and led multi award-winning external relations directorates covering brand and strategic marketing, student recruitment, communications, community engagement & CSR, and development & alumni relations. He chaired marketing and communications groups for Russell, 1994 and University Alliance Groups and for UUK during this time.
As a consultant, his education clients have included Oxford, UCL, British Columbia (Vancouver), MIT, Manchester, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, Hull, Bangor, Plymouth and Glasgow universities, Independent HE, The Courtauld Institute of Art and Zurich International School. He also works in other sectors, bringing transferable skills from brand and marcomms strategy projects with the NHS, CRUK, The Scouts, Audi UK and Deutsche Bank.
He is a Global Trustee and European Council member of CASE, a former HE marketing adviser to the House of Lords, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the RSA.
Legal status Limited Company
VAT registered Yes
Website www.brandandreputation.org.uk
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/michaellavery/
Email michael@brandandreputation.org.uk
Phone 07500 120400