Launched in 2022, Collaborate HE Ltd, is focused on supporting cultural change within higher education institutions, with particular expertise in research, knowledge exchange and doctoral education.
The company is led by Dr Paul Roberts whose experiences range from senior leadership roles in research and enterprise administration to higher education research. He is a published author, with research covering: doctoral education and skills; mental health and wellbeing of researchers; widening participation; the internationalisation of higher education management; as well as research and innovation.
The following services are provided for higher education institutions and their partners:
- Development of partnerships and consortia to bid for or deliver initiatives research and knowledge exchange projects.
- Undertaking reviews of research and innovation/knowledge exchange units, including Doctoral Schools.
- Analysis of Knowledge Exchange/Research Impact performance.
- Higher education research projects
- Supporting Businesses and third sector organisations to partner effectively with higher education
Clients include: University of Sussex; Henley Business School; Fusion Practices Ltd; GMJ Consultancy Ltd, Alterline Ltd
Legal status Limited company
VAT registered Yes
Phone 07920 484525