A pragmatic project manager who delivers on time and to budget focussing on the customer requirements. Specialist at defining the scope and setting up projects and programmes of work. Proven to ability to work flexibly and cost efficiently to help HE organisations with their improvement projects. With more than 20 years of varied experiences within the HE sector onboarding time for new projects is minimal. A collaborative style that works to create energy and change.
An individual who is focused on the results rather than any specific methodology and will deliver you results for your organisation and not put you through a generic template or process.
Life is one big project, with a start and an end and a series of projects in between. Emma will help you join the dots and get the best from your projects, she won’t just take your watch and tell you the time!
Legal status Sole trader
VAT registered No
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/emma-richardson-a9544714/
Email emma@therichardsonproject.co.uk
Phone 07810803981