Emsi has supplied labour market data solutions to tertiary education leaders since 2001. Since then, Emsi has partnered with hundreds of higher education institutions in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.
Emsi’s data and resources help universities offer industry-aligned programmes that attract new students and help those students find successful outcomes. Emsi’s user-friendly services have helped hundreds of institutions promote student success and strengthen workforce and economic development efforts in the communities they serve.
Emsi uses economic consulting, data analytics, and a variety of software tools to provide information to support successful decision-making. Emsi’s consulting proposition allows institutions to track their graduates’ career paths and answer critical workforce questions about their former students, the skills they value and the career journeys they’ve travelled, without painstaking surveys.
Emsi also supports activities such as civic engagement, employability and portfolio planning through a variety of solutions. These include economic impact studies, labour market horizon scanning, skills gap analyses, demographic analyses (including for Widening Participation groups) and programme to labour market mapping as well as highly specific economic analyses.
Analyst, Emsi’s flagship labour market insight tool, gives users direct access to a wealth of labour market and demographic data. Over 400 colleges and universities use Career Coach, Emsi’s career pathways software, which helps students make enrollment decisions based on career outcomes.
Based in Moscow, Idaho, with a UK office in Basingstoke, Emsi is owned by Strada Education Network, a US non-profit organisation dedicated to better connecting education to employment.
Legal status Limited company
VAT registered Yes
Website www.emsidata.co.uk
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/emsi-uk/
Email richard.hewitt@economicmodelling.co.uk
Phone 07892 728612