Hugh Jones is an experienced consultant supporting the higher education sector on a wide variety of projects. Since establishing his consultancy in 2014, Hugh has supported more than 30 universities and HEIs, students’ unions, sector bodies and private firms on over 50 projects (as at May 2020).

Projects have included support for OfS registration; reviews of professional services, from specific departments through to institution-wide reviews; development of policies and procedures for quality and standards; process reviews for efficiency, cost-savings and effectiveness; individual and team training and development; governance effectiveness reviews; facilitation of meetings; academic regulations and the student contract; advice on change programmes and projects; and many others.

Hugh has close to thirty years’ experience within the HE sector, over twenty of which were in professional service roles within five different universities in England and Wales. Hugh’s career includes executive level roles as Registrar and Secretary at Goldsmiths, University of London; and Chief Operating Officer at Cardiff University. Hugh Jones provides trusted, expert and experienced advice and guidance for all types and sizes of HEI, and can bring capacity and capability across a wide variety of issues.

Legal status Sole trader

VAT registered Yes




Twitter @hughjconsulting