iClark Consultancy provides a range of Consultancy Services for the Higher Education sector across the student lifecycle. Providing 15 years of experience ranging from Admissions right through to Graduation.
They specialise in external/statutory reporting and student data and processes, including HESA, Data Futures, HESES, ILR, Graduate Outcomes, NSS, ITT Return and UNISTATS/Discover Uni, along with data governance, internal reporting and data quality assurance.
They also provide a wide range of SITS development experience including configuration, functional developments, process improvements and training for Admissions, Registry, reporting, attendance monitoring, agent management, utilising SITS functionality such as RQH, and SRLs and vistas and tasking within e:Vision combined with experience of SQL and XML.
Other experience includes leadership and management, major change programmes (transformational/organisational/cultural/systems), report writing to senior leaders/boards, Business Relationship Management, technical lead, frameworks and methodologies such as AGILE, Scrum Master and Devops.
Legal status Limited company
VAT registered Yes
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/ianpaulclark/
Email ian@iclarkconsultancy.onmicrosoft.com
Phone 07713182504