Ikim Academic Risk Management is an Australian – based consultancy business offering extensive expertise in tertiary education quality assurance and regulation, at the institutional and system level. Ikim draws on its extensive network of international experts in higher education quality assurance and regulation, including UK and Australian – based. The group has a specialisation in sustainability and quality assurance, especially the integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and quality assurance in institutions.
Ikim Director, Ian Kimber is a proven executive – level leader, with more than 30 years’ experience encompassing working in universities, the Queensland state public service, and higher education regulatory and quality agencies in Australia and the UK, where he has achieved a wide range of significant strategic and operational outcomes. Ian is a recognised international expert in tertiary education quality assurance and regulation, including three years as Executive Director, Regulation and Review with the Australian Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and five years in quality development and enhancement with the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
Legal status Sole trader
VAT registered No
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/ian-kimber-05151485
Email ianmkimber@gmail.com
Phone +61 (0)411 945 311