Neil Mosley is an education consultant specialising in digital & online distance education and learning design. He is also a Fellow at the Centre for Distance and Online Education at the University of London.

He has held roles at Imperial College and Cardiff University where he helped develop online learning and distance learning strategies and held responsibility for delivering and managing portfolios of online and blended courses.

His consultancy focuses on supporting universities to

  • create and enhance blended, hybrid & online distance courses and programmes and associated operations and processes
  • develop and implement digital education and/or online distance learning strategies
  • explore and develop partnerships with online education and educational technology companies (including Online Programme Management (OPM) companies, MOOC platforms/providers and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) companies)
  • equip staff to utilise digital and online technologies in the student learning and teaching experience

He is also a writer and speaker on online & digital education and has given keynote talks at learning and teaching conferences in the UK and at international conferences and events.

Legal status Limited company

VAT registered No




Twitter @neilmosley5