Otus is an international higher education consultancy and coaching practice. Recognised as leaders in their sector they offer strategic insight, oversight, and support in
- reputation development and protection
- marketing and communications including internal comms,
- media and public relations
- international and domestic student recruitment, diversification and belonging
- widening participation
- government, industry, civic and community engagement
- the arts including university museums, galleries, and theatres
- change management
- coaching and facilitation
Following a successful career in industry and government our consultants have accumulated over fifteen years of recent experience working in universities at the most senior level both in the UK and overseas, including Australia, and bring experience, gravitas, and professionalism to every engagement
Legal status Limited Company
VAT registered Yes
Website www.otusadvisory.com
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/taniarhodestaylor
Email Tania.Rhodes-Taylor@otusadvisory.com
Phone +44 (0) 7734298584